31 October 2011

Baby Oliver's first photo shoot

This gorgeous little baby was an absolute delight to photograph - he lasted the entire session with only a couple of tiny breaks for outfit changes! Just look at those eyelashes too :)

19 October 2011


One of the most enjoyable things for me is to photograph children as they are growing up. I met this little girl when she was only a week old and then met her again as a little lady this year. I couldn't resist putting in some of these early pictures too - she had such an amazing head of hair!

Cecile, her mummy (see photo above!), did a hypnobirthing workshop with Sarah Ockwell-Smith which really helped her with her through her birth
and she was so inspired by it that she now runs her own hypnobirthing business - worth getting in touch with these ladies if you have a baby on the way...

Sarah is at www.babycalm.co.uk
and Cecile at http://www.cecileprualhypnotherapy.co.uk 


13 October 2011

Sorry have been away a while...

Apologies to anybody reading and to my lovely, patient clients - lots has been happening over the last few weeks, including a workshop in the USA and moving into a studio in Saffron Walden - all very exciting but have missed doing my blog and it's good to be back!

Matt and Clare, here are some images for you to share with your family and friends at last! Thanks for your patience :)

Claire x
© Claire Moir Photography
CoffeeShop Designs